Key Stage 4 Curriculum Choices

At KS4, all our students will study the core subjects of English (Literature/Language), Maths and Science. Our students will also take two non-examined classes, PSRE (PSHE + RE) to broaden their understanding of how philosophy, religion and ethics form the basis of our culture, and PE, to promote and support an active, healthy lifestyle. As we are a nationally recognised language school, almost all of our students will also continue to study a language, either French or Spanish as a GCSE, unless they choose to replace it with Latin.
Students will then have three subject choices available, which have been grouped into the following curriculum areas to help support a broad and balanced program of study.
Creative Expression: Art, Catering & Hospitality Level 1/2, Computer Science, Dance, Design & Technology, Drama, Music, Photography, Physical Education, Sport BTEC, or Textiles.
Understanding the World: Geography, History, Media Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology, Travel & Tourism BTEC, or Triple Science.
Broadening my Perspectives: Statistics & Further Maths OR any of the other options if it has not already been selected.
NB. Please note that students can only study 1 of either Art, Photography and Textiles. They can also only study 1 of either PE or Sport BTEC.
We also offer the following after school course in addition to the main KS4 options: Higher Project Qualification. Selecting this course does not count as 1 of the option choices.
For 2024, students must make their choices by Friday, April 12 via Edval Choice. Students will receive a unique web code and instructions on how to make their choices in March.
Options Booklet
The Options Booklet contains:
- Information about our KS4 curriculum offer.
- Advice on how to make the right choices.
- The details of the courses we offer (core and options).
- The process for selecting options, including important dates.
Below are videos, which have been made by our curriculum team leaders to provide students and families with detailed information about each of the option subjects available. You can also explore the curriculum of these subjects in greater depth by reading our curriculum overviews.
Options Videos
Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)
Maths Statistics & Further Maths