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Music Girl in Headphones 5 Library Boy with book 1 Classroom Boy with hand up3 Art Group of girls 4 PE Boy on climbing wall 6

We are very lucky at Blatchington Mill to have a group of staff who are prepared to give above and beyond the classroom requirements. Taking students out on trips takes a lot of organising and can be an exhausting as well as rewarding experience.

Staff do not get paid any extra for taking students on trips and often give up their own time to do so, often in the holidays, so we are very grateful for their support to enable us to offer such a wide variety of school trips & visits.

We believe that many students learn and develop even further as a result of trips and our extra-curricular programme and it is because of this ethos (and the staff) that we are able to offer so many exciting and varied experiences for our students.

Thanks go to the staff for being prepared to go the extra mile – and to the students for making each of our trips so enjoyable for everyone involved.


School trip payments can be made via the SIMS Pay website.

As well as many local visits, we have strong links with foreign cities, recently we have offered regular trips to Europe to enhance our students' studies in all subject areas, including Modern Languages, Food Technology, Geography and History.

Many day trips are also offered throughout the school year. These may cover areas such as, but not limited to, those listed below;

Information regarding annually run residential and overseas trips, including approximate costs, are available below. Please be aware that these trips are run entirely on the goodwill of staff and while we recognise their importance as part of the curriculum, there is no guarantee that they will be available every year.


Year Groups invited


Approximate Cost

St Omer, France

Year 8 students studying French

French and History

Approx £500

Cantabria, Spain

Year 9 students studying Spanish

Spanish, Art, Food

Approx £650

Ski Trip Various, Europe

Years 8 - 10 at time of trip


Approx £1100

Football Trips Manchester or similar 

Year 8 - 10


Approx £200

Duke of Edinburgh 

Year 9 & 10 (Bronze & Silver respectively)

Outdoor education & expedition

Approx £125 for expedition & DofE fee


Our full trips policy is available on our Policies page.

Financial Assistance

We reduce the costs of all trips for Pupil Premium students.

There are three sources of possible financial assistance for school trips.